
Thursday 29 December 2011

Sorry Dear...

Everyone has someone their love in this do I..
The one that I can laugh together when we are happy..
The one that can give an advise when I need some opinion..
The one that can share everything..sadness,happiness..
being a friend when I need someone..
lend a shoulder when I cry on..
being a good listener when there's anything I want to speak up..anything..everything..

    Do I appreciate what you had done for me?
    How do I appreciate you?

Sometime..I do not realize how precious you are..
Sometime..because of some misunderstanding,I forgot all your sacrifice..
Sometime..I ignore you because I was too busy with my own matters..
you still there...wait for me...patiently..with love..                                              
Sorry dear...
I know you have done your best just to help me vanish my tears..
I realize that how much you sacrifice just to make me smile..
There's so much advice from you just to make me realize my fault and become a good wife,good mother and also a good friend..
Everything that you have done for me,I cannot repay it...
Something that you must understand and remember most..
You are the best gift from Allah and I'm really thankful to Him because He send me some "love" to love you..
He give you the same "love" to love me..
I will try my best to be the best as Allah's servant...and of course for future husband
Thank you Allah..
You give us a chance to love..Alhamdulillah..
May this love will be lasts this world or hereafter...amin..   

InsyaAllah.. My dear FUTURE Husband

    I will cook. I will clean. I will shop. I will be the best wife, ever, InsyaAllah..I will dress up for you..
    I will maintain my appearance for you. I will make sure to be the best wife I can be, InsyaAllah..
    I will have children with you & I will raise them to be the best they can be..
    I will be the best mother, InsyaAllah..All this - as long as you promise me one thing.. 
    ♥ Help me, accompany me in getting to Jannah! ♥ Insyaallah ♥..

Thank You for everything...
Dedication for A.K.M

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Why Me???

Why me??why not the other people?why??why??why??....arrggghhh..
Did we realize this is the words that we always heard and say everyday?or maybe single day?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Credit : Google
   Why this happened?usually we always feel frustrated or disappointed when there are difficulties occurred in our life...we keep blaming others,or ourselves...keep asking "why" and "why"...

   That is the part of the life..there is no life if we not face any struggle or difficulties that will make us become more emotional person...Why?Maybe God just want to test the level of our patient and how far we can control it.Some people tend to take easier way.."suicide"..they think that is the "smartest" way to escape from the problem that they had..but,it was the worst way..and make the problem become bigger.

My dear Brothers and Sisters,       

    Our God will not test us if we are not able to face it...HE will test us same level with our ability to face it..let's remove the words/question "why me??"..If we face any hard things or difficulties,no matter it is in our work,love,friends or family, do not give up easily..if there is problems,why not we sit properly and talk nicely..try to communicate with them and the most important thing is "to be patient"..not every people able to do this..but if we try our best,yes we can do it..So, the question "why me??" will not exist anymore in our mind.

    Believe me, all the hard things ever happened in our life helps us growing every single day and become more independent human and think wisely in every decision we make and anything we other word, "matured" because of the question "why me??", we experienced this life...sweet,sour,bitter,salty,testless..all of them become one and called "spices of life".

Dear Brothers and Sisters,    

   We live just once, so we need to think not questioning "why" when there are something happened in our life..just do the best thing in our strong and smile..Do not worry..=)

"He who has done an atom's weight of good will receive his rewards, and he who has done an atom's weight of evil will receive his punishments."
— The Holy Quran, 99:7,8

Full of Love,
Siti Haisah bt. Mustapha.

Monday 28 November 2011


Credit : Google 

Box : Earth/World
Crayon : People around the world

Hi everyone...

There's such a long time i'm not updated this blog..there's so much thing i want to share with you all but i'm not sure whether it is suitable for me to write down..but i think this topic is very common and maybe we can share about it together and hopefully we can gather some precious knowledge or motivation from it..=)
     Everyone has their own life..there so much we need to think,do,act and prepared whether it is mentally or physically..that is life..

         Sometimes we need to face an unexpected things in this life that accidentally happened..whether it is happiness or sadness..all of that was just a 'test' from HIM..HE test us purposely..what is the meaning of it?if anything happened in our life,there must be a reason why HE test us like that...for example,if we have been tests with sadness or any difficulties in our life,one moment we will get something precious that we were not expect to get it as long as we keep our effort to get it..if we have been tested with luxury,it means that we must learn to become a better can help other people with what we have or with "sadaqah" to the people who really need it..

         There are sad,happy,dissapointed,exciting,and many more feelings inside one small heart in human body..with that,we can enjoy this life with various feelings that changes many times in just one day! Did we realize that we get so much precious gift from HIM?without feelings,there is 'no life'..Alhamdulillah..with many gift from HIM, we can look,think,plan and face our life with various's up to us to go through this life with "good ways" or "hard ways"..but whatever we do,hopefully we always remember ALLAH..and ask for His help if there is anything we need..So that's,we can FEEL THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM..=)

Happy New Year To All Muslims in this World..Love PEACE..
Siti Haisah bt. Mustapha

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sayang..Aku sayang kamu...Selama-lamanya...Insyaallah...

Salam ukhwah..
Entri kali ini saya coretkan dalam bahasa melayu..
Ada sesuatu yang ingin saya kongsikan bersama rakan-rakan sekalian..

Dua hari yang lepas, berlaku satu lagi kematian di kampung saya..terkejut bercampur sedih apabila berita tersebut di sampaikan oleh saudara bapa..Seorang ibu muda kepada 4 orang cahaya mata..3 lelaki seorang perempuan.. yang bongsu baru berusia sekitar 3 bulan(lelaki)..meninggal disebabkan penyakit yang saya kurang pasti apa jenisnya..tetapi apa yang saya tahu, si mati kerap muntah darah sebelum ajalnya..pihak keluarga berikhtiar pelbagai cara untuk mengubatinya,tetapi tuhan maha penyayang..rencanaNya mengatasi segala-galanya..

                  Sekitar jam 8.30 malam,saya pergi menziarahi rumah jiran tersebut bersama ibu dan bapa..kami dimaklumkan jenazah sedang dalam perjalanan dari hospital ke rumah...Suasana hening..jelas kesedihan di wajah sanak saudara dan jiran yang melawat..Saya dan ibu duduk bersama kakak ipar si mati dan jiran-jiran yang lain..

                  Tidak lama kemudian, sekitar jam 8.45 malam, jenazah tiba..diusung dengan penuh cermat dan tertib oleh saudara dan suami si mati. Sekujur tubuh yang sudah  tidak bernyawa diangkat penuh hati-hati dan dibaringkan di atas tilam dan bantal yang telah pun disediakan oleh saudara si mati. Kala itu, adik ipar, makcik dan saudara si mati mengalirkan airmata..Suasana diselubungi kesedihan..pilu..apatah lagi apabila kami melihat anak si mati yang masih kecil,yang masih tidak mengerti tentang kehilangan ibu tersayang...Si comel yang baru berusia 3 bulan nyenyak tidur di dalam buaian..apalah yang mereka tahu tentang kematian..rasa kasihan dan sedih mengenangkan si kecil yang belum sepenuhnya merasa kasih sayang dan hangatnya dakapan si ibu...tapi sebagai hamba, siapalah kita untuk melawan kehendakNya..

                  Ibu si mati tidak kelihatan..mungkin tidak kuat untuk melihat anak tersayang yang pergi sebelum beliau..ibu mana yang tidak sayangkan anak..sedikit calar di badan anak sudah membuatkan si ibu tidak tenteram, apatah lagi apabila terpaksa menerima hakikat bahawa anak yang ditatang dan dijaga penuh kasih selama ini pergi buat selama-lamanya.

                  Si suami kelihatan menahan perasaan sedih yang teramat..yalah, sebagai bapa, sudah semestinya dia tidak mahu kelihatan lemah di depan anak-anak..seolah beliau mengalirkan semangat buat anak-anak tersayang supaya tabah menerima takdir bahawa mereka harus redha dan tabah menerima kehilangan yang paling besar dalam hidup mereka..sesekali beliau mengerdipkan mata seolah-olah menahan airmata daripada menitis..tatkala menjawab panggilan telefon, kelihatan airmata beliau mengalir..sesekali menyeka dengan hujung baju..mungkin panggilan daripada sahabat atau saudara yang bertanya perihal si mati atau meniupkan kata-kata semangat supaya redha dengan ketentuan Ilahi.. perginya isteri tersayang sudah pasti tiada yang dapat menggantikan tempatnya yang selama ini menjadi teman dan sahabat di kala susah mahupun senang...suka mahupun duka menjalani hidup dan membesarkan buah cinta bersama selama menjalani bahtera perkahwinan yang dikongsi selama ini..kini,bahtera yang dibina seolah-olah hanyut tidak bertali...panggilan "ibu" yang si anak biasa gunakan telah hilang...sesungguhnya panggilan "ibu" itu sangat berharga..hilang tak terganti..redhalah wahai si anak...tuhan lebih menyayangi ibumu...

               Terfikir di benak saya, seandainya saya yang berada di pembaringan itu..menyahut panggilan ilahi, bagaimanakah agaknya keadaan dan reaksi suami saya? Seandainya si suami berada jauh di mata, dan pulang hanya bila mengetahui isterinya sudah tiada, bagaimanakah keadaannya? bagaimanakah penerimaannya? sesungguhnya hidup ini cuma sementara..ajal tidak mengenal usia mahupun rupa..entah esok,entahkan lusa,kita dijemputNya..tidak akan dipercepatkan walau sesaat dan tidak akan dilambatkan walau sesaat..itulah ajal...redha dan keampunan daripada si suami amat penting demi kesejahteraan si isteri di sana..

Sama-samalah kita mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran..hidup tidak selalu indah..ingatlah Allah..nescaya Allah mengingati kamu..dunia hanya sementara..akhirat tempat yang kekal untuk kita semua..

Al- Fatihah buat si mati..
                                                        Kredit Gambar:Google


Friday 9 September 2011


Picture credit:Google.
Every human in this world must be wants to become the most loved and loving person..But what is the meaning of love?
                    There is many definition of simple definition from it is the feeling towards the person that we care. There are the  love for mother that doing many sacrifice just to ensure we will be able to "looks" this wonderful world. She is the one that breastfeed us,teach us about life,the only one that hear and understand us a lot when there no one listen and understanding what we mean. Her duty is very big and we can't afford to pay it although there is a diamond bigger as this world. Because of that, we celebrate "Mother's Day" and dedication of "Love you Mom" and "Happy Mother's Day"was giving to them. So that, we must listen most to them and love them as much as we can. This is called - Love for  mother.

                    How about the love for father? He is the only one person who has struggle a lot in this life just to provide us with the comfortable living and make sure that we choose the right path so we can become a real human in this life. His love will decide our future and how will we look like then. That is how our father shows his love to his beloved child and there is "Father's Day" celebration too. So, to show our love, we must obey what he said and never say "no" as long as his words is true.

                     There is the love for siblings. For those who has siblings, sometime there is hard to tolerate each other. But, when there is a full of love among us, there will no such problem. But, sometimes, misunderstanding among siblings will make we love them more when we apologize each other.

                     Besides, there is the love for someone that we care. It's called love for lover. Sometimes, because of love him/her so much, we hurt their feelings. But the intention is just to give the best for them, love them so much and never want a bad things happen to them. Sometimes, because of love, a human makes suicide. That's show how much love can influence our life. But, if we love someone because of Allah, we will always remind that He knows better what is the best for us.

                     So, we must have the feelings of love for the one who create us - ALLAH. So, if we love someone, love he/she just  because of Allah. Then, He will give His bless and our relationship will be protected from any problems and He will help us a lot in our life.

                     So, be grateful to Allah because He gives us the gift to love...thank God..

Picture credit:Google.

What You Want To Be?

Before entering the classroom to teach daily routine, I thought for a moment to ask my special students. "What you want to be?". This is probably the most common questions or even trivial to some teachers in Malaysia to ask for their students.But for me, it was very important to increase the resilience and spirit of my students to change their fate.

If you asked yourself, of course, we all have at least a desire to be pursued. If the school years ago, many of us and our friends will choose to become doctors, so the police, army and many more. Some even as he said, the grinning face and over-voice. Doctor! Police! Soldiers! Looks like the other students are deaf.
Be a human. More honorable human than the angels, when human was really a human.More humble humn from animals, when the human is not human.
But we are so when in the school year, we are so proud to tell others about our ambitions to reach the one day. But different is the case with my students. On average they aspire to become a human? I am a bit stumped by the answer given by almost all of my students. If this answers when our teacher asked the same question to us one time, sure we will become an object of ridicule in the classroom.

All my students to show a serious face when responding to be a human. Is all this they are not human? Serious and immediate response was to give a little questionable to me. But I just smiled to respect the aspirations of my students.

For a half-crowd, of course, ambition 'to become a human' is the ambition of the most belittle and play the best we've ever heard. In fact, would be some who say, "Oh come on, we are all human!". May be angry, may be ugly, is less certain.

How we can assured much is? Why are we so sure that 'the kind we' are all humans, not aliens, the jinn or devil? The answer given by my students is to give some effect on the liver. What least, with a little cheating was done in the past they have received capital punishment and the ambition to become a human gives a very deep meaning.

Maybe with the punishment given to give more awareness to my students to turn into a man and human who truly human. If first do a lot of dishonesty in life is now changed to become a human searching for true of goodness. This is because each of us wants to be a human. Truly human and not human in appearance only.

Writer : 
Ahmadi Katu Mahmud From + Saat Jiwa Berbicara

Monday 5 September 2011

Good,Better or Best?

Alhamdulillah..thank God..You give me some strength to write something that maybe I can share with everyone...

"Good,Better or Best?"...anyone of us knows this is the usual phrase we used and heard in our daily life.It's usually used in our lifestyle-behaviour,works,dreams or love.. But the question is amongst this three words,which one can really represent ourselves?

Many of us wants to be a good person in any field of this life..
good son/daughter...
good husband/wife..
good mother/father..
good worker..
good brother/sister or maybe
a good lover?

Whatever it is,anyone of us must be wants the best in this life.But are we already achieve what we wants?

Maybe its hard to become a good person.As a human,there are many challenges we have to face in this life.It depends on how we face and control it.As a muslims, Allah's always give the tests to see how far our patience is.Sometimes,as a slave, we can't afford to face His tests(sad/,if we think deeply,all of this was only assumption from He.All we have to do is just try our best effort and put our trust in Him..pray and believe that He heard us without any doubt...then,we can increase our trust to Him and it is one from many ways to become a good person.

We live in this world just for a while..we will leave all the comfortable things at anytime He wants..if we a bad person,try fix it and make a good person..then add the good things and become a better person and increase our good deeds and become the best person.Not only as His slave,but a human on this world.

We knows where we are..wish we become the best amongst the best..Good Luck..Amin..

Saturday 20 August 2011

Magnet of Ramadhan

i) The start of Ramadan

Ramadan Kareem to all. I felt that time passed so quickly, so do not know nearly 2 / 3 we went through the course of Ramadan. When entering the month of Rajab and Sya'aban, many are not looking forward presence.

Oh God, You bestowed special month for the slave. Thanks O Lord, God delivered us in Ramadan month embedded millions of privilege and opportunity for us as His servants to seize every moment of ramadhan

Owh for all who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may fear Allah." [Al-Baqarah 2:183]

Ramadan is divided into three phases, the first 10 Ramadhan is Rahmat (Mercy), 10 second Ramadan is forgiveness (Forgiveness) and 10 of the last phase is the phase of the release of The Fire (Freedom from Hell)

1:10 phase early days of Ramadan has left us, when conscious, trying to keep an eye on what we so we should use the opportunity? Or does it go by without us filled with good deeds, devotion, and kindness and so on.

2:10 phase of the middle month of Ramadan as we tackle the course, remaining a day longer before we enter the final phase.

The last phase of 3:10 last day of Ramadan. We still have a chance to pursue and reach the virtues of Ramadan in the remaining days of this.

Prophet Muhammad said, "Whoever fasted in Ramadan is a believer and as addictive love of Allah would forgive his sins of the past."[See: al-Targhib II: 206]

Prosper those who strive in reaching pleased God! Would we become one?

Fasting Know toddle

Reminding the time when small memories once might then not know the purpose of Ramadan and what benefit of fasting, then toddle want to learn fast, toddle supererogatory prayer tarawih know, learning little by little. The first year of study how to fast, alternating fast, no skipping, then the next year trying to improve from the previous year up to age for a full month should fast in Ramadan.

Alhamdulillah, overreach for small children. The process of learning to know God. The best example is often seen by children is the mother of their father as the person closest to them. They learn from what they see. In the process of fasting, usually the mother will start to invite young children to fast. From there, the role of father and mother to support the little guys to together until the time of breaking fast.

Flexibility is given if they cannot stand, but their passion for fast already developed and will germinate day by day. Maybe at first, but the complaints of small children with learning day to day have become a habit for children to continue fasting, without complaint.Non-sincere sometimes it will eventually led to the sincerity and confidence in practice.

Month Special Award

In this month, the prayer room full Subhanallah more night. God's servants rushed to the mosque and the mosque perform prayers and then followed Tadarus tarawikh. From early morning, the buzz houses of God can be felt.Quran must be read, understand the meaning, should try to solve 30 juz of the month of Ramadan.

Society, God! Some take advantage of this as the beginning of Ramadan to change and improve in the journey beyond. In the loss of remembrance, which we need to discipline themselves refrain from things that can break the fast and can reduce the reward of fasting. At night is preparing to increase the love between the Creator and serve Him. Coupled with the Tadarus Quran, remembrances, and so on. Anyway, day and night full of easy-to-doubled tentative and reap the reward of His love!

Try to ask ourselves where our journey? Magnet Ramadan!

Word of the Prophet SAW: "Every practice the son of Adam (humans) were increased a good ten similar to the 700-fold."Word of God (translated): "Except for fasting which worked for me, but I it is who responded. He restrained devote leaving eat because I am." For those who fast, there are two happiness, which is happy to break (or spend a ward) and excited at the future to meet their Lord. By the smell of a fasting person's mouth is more fragrant smell of musk.[Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah]

10 Last Ramadhan

One day we will enter the final phase of Ramadan. Sad state of Ramadan was about to leave us? Do we have the opportunity to meet the next Ramadhan? During Ramadan, all kinds of exciting bonus offers available that we can grab. The largest is Laylat al Qadr Award in which God is hidden when the horse.

Organized on us to improve the deeds, Qiam, prayers, Tadarus, retreat and so in the last ten nights. Society, God, very lucky people who met with a thousand nights of this month. As the journey through the last ten, his departure is almost felt. Sometimes we do not use the opportunity wisely, it continues to revolve on its own. We still have a chance! Let's use the last ten with increasing devotion to God, worship, prayer and plenty others.

Oh God, hope Ramadan time to give much sense for this thy servant, O Lord."

Siti Aisyah RA is eager to meet the night Power (Laylat al Qadr), he asked the Prophet "What happened the night of Qadar?"

The Prophet asked her again, "What will you do when you meet with the Night of Qadar?"

She said "I do not know." Then she asked "What should I do when meeting with the night of power is?"

The Prophet said to her, "It is a night which is good to do at night, and it is easy dimakbul He listened."

She asked "What is the best prayer to pray for me that night?"

The Prophet replied, "If you could meet and know that the night is the night of Qadar, pray, 'O innaka' afu tuhibbul wun 'afwa fa' fu 'Anni." (O Allah, Thou art the Pardoner and love forgiveness, so forgive me) [Hadith Narrated by at-Tirmidhi]

Syawal which will appear. Where direction after Ramadan?

More than 11 days, Muslims will celebrate the month of Shawwal. Son of Syawal marks the end of Ramadan. Is the excitement and festive felt worship this month also ended when he entered the night Syawal? With self-reflection. Come! We use this month as a reflection, correction and we are beginning a new journey ahead to increase the devotion and faith, God willing.

In Ramadan we fast month, God willing, we can also train for the fasts in other months. In this month, thank God we are trying to spend 30 juz Quran, God willing, in the days ahead, we have the opportunity to read and appreciate the contents of the Quran each sheet.

In this month, thank God we fibrous supererogatory prayers as tarawikh prayer, Taraweeh, Repentance and others. God willing, in the moments and days ahead, we can light Qiammullail, Taraweeh prayers, supererogatory prayer repentance.

In this month we fibrous charity, God willing, in other months also we can share the light and to extend some of the things which we have.

Overreach for the coming days! Starting 'point' we already started, I keep it? Come on!

O God, Thou art the Forgiving Lord, forgive us O Lord. Bless us in Ramadan. Make the beginning of this month for our good, and migration towards the better to increase Taqwa to You O God.

Thursday 18 August 2011

It Is Possible To Making Changes?

It is possible? Is it difficult? Definitely the answer is not impossible.

But is not change, there are two kinds of positive changes or negative changes nauzubillah).

Suddenly the thought of a question.

Why to make a positive change is more difficult than the transformation towards a more negative?

Is it because the self is weak? Weak to resist Satan?

"And the evil ones really hinder them from the truth and they think that they receive guidance" - Surah Az-Zukhruf 43: 37

"Do not ever deluded by Satan the devil is surely an open enemy for you" - Surah Az-Zukhruf 43: 62

Breathe deeply. Take time, think a moment.

Whichever we rushed? The changes better or vice versa?

Certainly better.

But not for us to deny to make a change towards the good, the way mine peuh decorated with thorns, obstacles, teasing, testing, and all this is conjecture.

Sometimes for change is full of whispers and rumors people:

"Hey, why A wear hijab now, not before he was a minah rempit, must soon nie!"

"Thank God, A God willing, I began to change constantly dirahmatinya"

We must embed in our minds, we sometimes do not be influenced by negative words to ourselves, because if we are influenced by these words, identify heavy foot to step into a new realm, another heavy-hearted to do so.

Believe me, we know ourselves better than others, and God to know us from ourselves.

Not everything is sweet to go to heaven, because God will insert a little test for us, to test this yourself.

Does man think that they are left only with the saying," We believe ", and will not be tested?" Al-Ankabut 29:2

What is the definition of real change in ourselves? Are only physically or conscience?

Which will come first?

Actually, that comes first is not important, because the more important are the results.

If we feel physical changes such as stretch hoods and clothes is easier, then do that first, then we train the heart, one by one, if we feel the heart more easily trained, then the Practice it first.

Because the change comes from sincerity, and honesty. Insha Allah.

Let's start our steps together, because the door of repentance is always open. Humans always need a change because of our faith rises and falls.

Do not let the way we decorated the future.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Beetle And Roses

With God's name ... Best to reward.

Whether your name is written there mahfuz luh?
Are you the one who would accompany the road to syurga?
Are you the one who will complete half of my religion?
Owh Muslimin.

Are there any you created for me?
Answer me this.

You'll never be able to give an answer,
Because answer is not in your hand,
But in His hands,
In the hands of our Lord God,
My Lord and your Lord.

I think of you uneasy,
Think of my Lord and my fear,
Owh Muslimin,
I'm sorry,
My fear of my God than my anxiety about you.

Pinch myself when the time comes,
Prior to that time, let me alone with him,
I'll love with Him,
Before i create of love between us.

Be your beetle is superb,
And pray for me to be a flower that blooms,

For that, I leave you in Him

Indeed I am sole trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord,
There is not a moving creature but He who holds the top of his head,
My Lord is on the straight path.

Have to grieve over this temporary separation,
If it's true that I created for you,
No what you can block them,
Until then,
Pray to God hope for strength,
Ask him with great hope.

Faith in God's promise!

Women who are infamous for the wicked men, and men of evil is for women who are vile (too), and women of good is for good men and good men are for women who either (anyway). They (the accused) was cleared of what was alleged by them (the accused's). For them forgiveness and a sustenance noble (Syurga). [Surah An Nur: 26]

Verily Allah will never waste your sacrifices,
When we leave all this because Allah,
Rest assured!
There will be something beautiful for you in later terminations.

And behold, the day then it is better for you, Than now (beginning), And soon will thy Lord would give His gifts to you, Then (heart) thou shalt be satisfied. [Surah Ad Duha: 4, 5]

Lucky you!
When God chose you to be conscious nature of the relationship between men and women.
God picked you!
Never waste this love of God.

So God inspired the soul of it (the road) wickedness and piety Truly successful who are made holy spirit And actually lost the person who contaminated. [Surah As Shams: 8-10]

Those who say:

"Our Lord is God" then they were affirming their establishment, Then an angel would come down to them by saying: "Do not be afraid and do not feel sad; and announce to them that God had promised Jannah to you. [Surah Fussilat: 30]

And when you feel weak,
Invoke the power of His
God is near,
Sure sure.

And if Satan bother with a disturbance, Then seek refuge in Allah, Verily He is the Hearer, the Knower. [Surah Fussilat: 36]

You and I are elected diamonds,
Pray I'm strong and resilient to keep my dignity,
Pray not the evil beetles destroy it before a halal arrived,
I also pray that in always protected by Him,

Friday 5 August 2011


When wearing the shoes to play Futsal in the ring, eyes stuck on a friend. Saw him take off pants length, smooth mouth pointing "why you do not wear pants?".
"It's normal to wear long pants play football, allergic," she said with a laugh.

Look, we reasoned that easy to brush aside the law of God. Whether understood or not, certainly we know that not a man-made laws which many loopholes.

When talking about private parts do not need to extend it to talk about the meaning of the language. Every human is to become a Muslim would have understood if the debate about private parts.

Ask the child within 9-10 years, they'll be able to answer men, her body between the navel to the knee. While a woman must cover the whole body except face and hands.

In Allah SWT says:

"Owh children of Adam! We have sent down unto you (for materials) clothing that covers your nakedness, and clothing ornaments, and clothing the form of piety that is the best. That is one of the signs (the grace) of God (and His blessings to His slaves), that they may (and grateful)." (Al-`raf: 26).

He orders a clear, protective clothing was created as a human physical embarrassment. However, the reality is different, and more of us today only cover the prayers. Meanwhile, when dispersed in the earth, without grudging expose their private parts.

They say this age of technology age. Non-time-wrap packaged yet. Today all fashion, there uncovered, exposed here. People who submit views, walk politely be left behind. Islam is not up to date with the times. Some think nakedness is covered with just the head. Sheath, the arm is exposed does not matter.

As a result, corporate dress code more covered but open. States also set an enticing application of the code because if he found it difficult to follow the laws work. Inappropriate.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Beautiful of Ramadhan

If I know, beauty of Ramadan, I do not go up in ignore. Ramadan this time I realized the beauty of fast, beautiful Tarawih prayers, beautiful taddarus Quran, beautifully charity.

Every night I visited the nearby mosque for prayers willing next congregational Tarawih prayers. Beauty is not recites the words.

Prayers Tarawih four (4) cycles followed by Ustaz invitation tazkirah then four (4) and offered the Witr prayers followed by three (3) rakaat. Total 11 rakaat, so every year the activities at the mosque near my house. Every day is an invitation to present Ustaz tazkirah.

"There has to attend the month of Ramadan, the month of blessings, God has made it mandatory for you to fast, open the gates of Heaven, closed the gates of Hell and tied the devil, in this month there was the best night of a thousand months. Anyone who does not seek goodness, he will lose benefits." (Narrated by Ahmad and an-Nisa'i)

"And fasting is a shield, so do the fasting person is saying vile and raised his voice or lash out. And even if condemned by a person or fighting to be invited to reply: "I am fasting, I was fast!" (Hadith narrated by Ahmad, Muslim and an-Nisa'i)

Indirectly, the practice increased the reward is doubled, the knowledge I gained. Alhamdulillah, God still gave me the opportunity to celebrate this blessed month with the filling of practice and knowledge.

"And remind, for surely the reminder benefits the believers." (Surah Azzariyat: 57)

"By the time, surely man really is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience."(Surah al-Asr: 1-3)

Ten days of fasting beginning I expect mercy from God, I hope the next ten days and ten days Maghfirah in the end I expect freedom from the Fire.

If before I waste arrival of ramadhan,
Now I appreciate arrival of ramadhan,
Each of your day, do not I just let it pass,
Even though a second,
I try to strains the melodious rhythm of the word of Kalamullah scripture,
My beautiful temples of the biological one by one,
Page after page,
Peace feel satisfied,
As the melodious rhythm of the echo.

If before I waste your departure,
Now I bawling your departure,
I long for beautiful moments with you ya Ramadhan
I miss Terawih prayers,
I miss taddarus Quran,
I missed the night of Lailatur Qadar,
I miss ya Ramadhan day and your dinner,
Love your day to fast,
Love your dinner to do Tarawih,
Love the day and your dinner to double the reward.

If I am given the opportunity,
Navigating're having a future,
I will not to waste my fast,
I will fill you're having,
In practice many times over.
God willing.

"Fasting That Part Of Patience."

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Take it easy Love

Every day we laughed.

Everyday we meet friends.

Every day we get what we want.

But ... why we are not happy heart?

We pray every day. We pray always to Allah. We bid earnestly to God. But ... how difficult prayer we want answered? While God is saying, "Call on Me, surely I shall hear ..."

What's our problem?

Our hearts are not happy because we never thankful for what we have. We never want to appreciate all the blessings we have. We keep thinking about the things that we do not have, until we forget to see the blessings around us.

We pray, but how hard is I agreed to God our prayers?

The reason we keep asking in God, but we never bid forgiveness of God, when our sins to God too much. It was not shame us.

We complain, we appeal to God agreed to our prayers. But, then we can forget the pleasure of Allah, we are not grateful to Allah. When trouble comes, then remember Allah is back. New want to cry, moan ... We ask Allah to view. How did God want agreed to our prayers?

Let us reflect our ourselves. Try to calculate, how many times we say the word thanksgiving in one day? I do not need a week, enough for one day. How many times did? If he have mentioned it ...

Once we wake up at night, prayers? Tahajud prayer? Prayers of repentance? Ever?

There may exist, but first ... time before school age. That, then have to tap with the warden, ordered up. After that ... there? Yes, I want to exam time ... result looks like there is a sense of the time I file aura. Ready for another prayer intention! Can then result that, there is no gratitude for the bow? Hmm ... It somehow, I do?.

The days we do well. We help people. We are a charity close to people. We do all sorts. But why we can not want to taste the sweetness of every action we do that? Our hearts but also not quiet. Why do ye?

Because in our hearts there is no candor. Oral talk faith, faith in other words. How is that? We help people because I expect a reply. I want to praise. Want to name. We ripples with every kindness we do. How the heart to peace?

When to success, we proud of what we have. Start wants to show off close to people. Up to forget who exactly to the success is near us.

What a shame we ... when God created us as the inheritors of the earth.

We are the best events that God has created so all the creatures fell down at our father, Adam, but Satan Laknatullah.

How God honored the creation of man.

But, we do not keep to ourselves. We forget our responsibility as a servant. We forget who created us. In fact, we forget the grace that is.

Prophet Muhammad, when the angels want to kill him, he is still thinking about its people. Ummati! Ummati! Until that one love Allah to us. But we ...? We forget at his messenger. True tongue weight we want to bless the Prophet. How satisfied we want peace?

sincerity our hearts. Bow ourselves to God. Grateful for the blessings that God will lend to us. All would not last. Whenever God can withdraw all of that. sincerity heart in everything we do.

Indeed, only God is powerful to assess sincerity of our hearts. God willing, we will be able to taste delicious halawatul faith itself. If you Calm down, my heart ...

Beauty of Love After Marriage

After a long life plagued by a love of lust, life as a teenager with no direction of the goal of life. I was made aware by God with the guidance and His love overflows.

Praise be to Allah who always loves us and loves us. Beauty of life is full of laws and legal basis and faith lines. Somehow manner life if I continued the never-ending lust flooded.

Want to make love a part of life. Common as young people want to have companionship. Ask anyone, young chief, the meaning of love?

For them, love is beautiful.Love is delicious. Various interpretations of love, if asked to teenagers out there. So Assalammuailaikum their views on love. I, one of the lovers that were once only thought of pleasure, silence, entertainment and friends. There is no religion based on love in the soul. Far from considering the one who gave love it.

It is not easy to receive slap in the lives of young broken heart. Felt like committing suicide, away from other human groups, so think of trying to kill someone.

This is the passion and suffering heart disease. Heart and desire are not based on reason. God has given us reason, which is one advantage not available to other living creatures. As humans, we should logically 100% in life. S.W.T He said:

"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and (in) the alternation of night and day are signs (of power, wisdom and breadth of the grace of God) for those who understand." [Surah Ali 'Imran 3: 190]

I have been married to a man I do not know. After a broken heart with a man who once was I'm in love (love is not based on the religion of Allah). I decided to get married because of the mind. After thinking and analyzing all the sins and offenses I've ever done, I go to umrah at a young age (25 years) and at the time, no other until I find pleased God in love too I want. After the prayer intention several consecutive nights and I read Surah Yaasin few nights in a row (on the advice of a ustaz at home, mosque imam who is also the beloved father's best friend).

In fact, everything we want in this world of His creation we have to beg from him. There is no other power except the Almighty give him. I pray earnestly, seeking a pure love and not based on lust. Power of Allah, no one knows.

I met a man with studies in Australia. After three days a response message, the message just say hello and ask about jobs and education, questions arise about the marriage. I said, only the mother and father can be said about the wedding. Then, his father sent mother and inquire in June 2010. So promise bond happen wedding in December 2010.

Blink of an eye, trace the One so I admire. Never crossed his intention to marry a man who is not known. In the heart of intention, let the link love engraved after qabul toasted and rewarded.

Immeasurable how cheerful the day I held your wedding. Not the least doubt the beating heart of love and this gift of God Almighty. In fact, pure and lawful love is more beautiful that we have.

I am a poor man, never committed a sin and self-stains still rests in the past. I would like to urge all teenagers who still have lawful spouse, know, love before marriage, which violates the principles of God, a way of life in vain.

There is no love in Islam the concept of love. If the friends all at a great believer, and can keep the limit in the mixing of men and women love, I say congratulations! Never close to adultery! Although adultery heart!

If unable to follow the Sunnah and the teachings of Islam in fostering love, stop the love affair that brings sin and stain. Knowing, matchmaking is in the hands of Allah Pray, because prayer is the last weapon to change the destiny and the paths of life except one, which is death.

Believe me, pure love that we should great other than Allah and His Messenger love is love for her husband. It is a great love for all women and girls. No blame, no love is illegal in so long a righteous wife.

Touch his hand, Pahala. Kiss his cheek, Pahala. Check out his will, Pahala. Say it says love, love, and accompanied by friendly smiles, Pahala. Too affectionate voice gentle, reward! What else do we want to find in a world getting more sick of this, my friends, the righteous out there? Is not the reward we pursue? Heaven Is not our goal?

There is no other choice than to be a very unhappy wife, the dream of every human. For the good boy, a girl dreams to become a homemaker their lives, become angels in every breath the remembrance of Allah, subhanallah!

Look for pure love and the love supreme. Keep love passion, for love lust bare adulterers. Surely, Allah is great reward for the sins of adulterers.

"Truly Hell is an evil place to stay and residence. And those who, when spending (property), they are not excessive, and not (too) tight-fisted, and it (the spending) in the middle between those. And Those who invoke not with Allah another God, nor slay such life as forbidden (to kill) except with (reason) is right, and do not commit adultery, whoever to do that, would he have (of Judgement) sin (it ), (that) will be doubled his punishment on the Day of Judgement and he will remain in the penalty, in shame. " (Surah al-Furqaan: 66-69).

And now, I'm happy first love after becoming the wife of a very understanding husband. Love divine, we are building aims of Heaven. Beautiful love after marriage. Whatever is done to clean for us and a reward for the supply of 'there' later. Thanksgiving, praying and praying God has listened. S.W.T power of God can not be resisted. Try to find love from Allah SWT.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Ahlan ya ramadhan

Ahlan ya ramadhan, so often we say when ramadhan to appear. Syaaban stretch kicks off and ramadhan arrived. For me, ramadhan this year I have fully infuse the spirit of making good in the month after ramadhan. Not only hunger and thirst, but God willing will be my trow out all allegations of personal desires. Feeling very excited to welcome the arrival of Ramadan is certainly also felt by all Muslims around the world.

However, liver little impressed when the students thought about what I had to celebrate ramadhan here. It is true that all students are among those who are dishonest. Cheated in life that is inserted into the wall. But for us as teachers in Kota Kinabalu Integrity Schools will wish they are able to become better and useful on race or religion.

Seeing that they had to celebrate ramadhan with limited here, makes me feel how lucky I was able to smile when breaking fast. Viewing enjoy ramadhan bazaars atmosphere makes me think about the breaking of fast food my students. They do not have the slightest opportunity to choose the meal breaking the fast but still able to smile at the arrival time of breaking fast.

Once I sat together with a friend, then I just ran out of money and can not afford to buy the side dishes to break the fast. I was just cooking
MAGGI chicken and frying eggs garlic as a meal breaking the fast. During the time of breaking fast, my friend was only slightly touched the egg and a pinch of rice and leave me to break fast alone. Liver slightly hurt by the conduct. Feelings not mean to, but limited capacity at the time, only able to smile when he saw a friend's carved out of the house passed.

If you think about those who break the fast with the needy, I was lucky when as he was able to eat rice with scrambled eggs with onions and MAGGI Chicken. Feel very grateful for the income provided. But what, we realized we were not the same. Some may be grateful for such delicacies, but there are also those who can not accept the meal breaking the fast-hearted like that.

I hope ramadhan this year is not passed in vain, so that all my practice receive.

I'm Mature Enough

Honestly, I'm mature enough?

I could not identify with the monologue. It seems adults still unknown word in every corner of the self. Once the center treats feelings on the beach in Kota Kinabalu, I watched a boy try to help a senior citizen of India to come down from the wall of the beach.

Heart infusion, why not me alone who help seniors to come down from the wall of the beach? It does not require a lot of energy to do it. Time is expect in the heart, it is my personality are mature enough for this and could not act with a healthy mind as the younger brother?

Almost every day I treat Facebook friends look, the look of this friend. Sometimes feel funny when thinking about the status of post Facebook friends. Some I can feel them put the status of post-maturity in their Facebook and there are also funny because they claimed themselves mature enough and adults in any case. 

These are some of them just had a week or two, a self-professed love is old enough and mature them in the matter. Well, as we always say, the young only once. But we realize this is the emergence of youth all kinds of questions and problems. It looks like a young person feel dizzy, want only adults quickly.

Being young is an obligatory stage in the academic life. If when we were at school, need to be at school before high school. The same applies to teenagers we need before adulthood.

They are very important in academic life. The question is just when we are in the teens alone, we need to think about adults? What should we do when young, we do when the old man.That is why there are people who looks old, but not adults. Similarly, on the contrary, is clearly non mature but claims to have been old enough.

Sometimes, i'm always think, how to become a true adult? Enough just to know who we are? I leave this question for you all.